Contest specifications and general rules
Quick numbers
- 3 Team Members
- 3 Teams Per School Maximum
- 1 Coach / Teacher Per School
- 1 Computer
- 3 Hours
- 10 Problems, solve as many as you can
Technical Details
- Language in use: Python3.10.12
- IDE: Visual Studio Code
- OS Environment: Windows 11
- Inputs: from standard input / keyboard
- Outputs: to standard output / console
Day of the contest
- Solve the problems in any order you wish
When you think you have a solution, submit the source code to the Online
- Source code must be uploaded all at once
- If you think the problem is not clear, ask for clarification
- You can bring your own reference papers
Contest Judges
Judges will provide you with printed set of problems at the beginning of the
Each problem will state:
- Problem Description
- Constraints (input/output)
- Sample input / output
Online Judge
When you upload your source code using K::OJ, it will run your program
against a data set
- This data set is private and not revealed to you
K::OJ will send a minimal response:
- Correct
- Compile Error
- Runtime Error
- Runtime Limit Exceeded
- Wrong Answer
- If the answer is correct, you get points
- The team that solves the most problems wins
- You get double points for solving any problem first (speed points)
- Some problems give partial points for partial correct answers
Some problems give full points if the answer is correct and nothing if there
was any error
- There is no penalty for wrong submissions
- There is no re-submission limit
- Fastest submission time for is used as a tie-breaker
Strategies for the Contest
- Skim through all the problems
- Try to solve the easiest problem first
- Test your code before you submit it
- Understand the problem before jumping to the keyboard
- Don't use the Online Judge as a debugger
Team Distribution
- All team members discuss the problem
- One writes Pseudo-code, test cases and think of constraints
Two programmers pair together to translate Pseudo-code to functional code:
- Driver: focus on writing
Navigator: focus on observing, guiding and asking for clarifications
Materials You can bring
Any papers for example:
- Python Guide Sheets
- Algorithms Examples
- Previous Problems Examples
Contest Day
- 1st hour: try to solve easy problems as quick as possible
2nd hour: work together on papers and only submit what you are sure of to
avoid losing points
3rd hour: only hard problems left, all team members need to work together
- You only get one keyboard
- Try to not let the keyboard idle
- If burned out, switch roles and yield the keyboard to your other pair
All team members must improve their programming skills regardless of role
Teamwork Skills:
- Get together as much as possible
- Try to solve training problems
- Figure out the members roles as soon as possible